Friday, May 3, 2013

Loving the Body You're In

How do you feel about your body? 

I've listened to women and girls of all ages complain about the size of their stomachs, thighs that rub together, "bubbie" arms, pick a body part.  But, I've also heard people express gratitude following a medical scare or struggle for the body's ability to heal.

Huff Po's Style section featured a piece on Mad Men's Christina Hendricks.  The redhead who portrays Joan Hollaway is known for her curves as well as her sassy attitude.  When she sashays into a room, people take notice.  She owns her body.  Back in 2010, the actress was pleased to receive positive notice for her voluptuous figure after years of agents suggesting the latest diet.

Wherever we are on the fitness spectrum, we must appreciate the skin we are in before we can make any changes.  We are more than the numbers on a scale or BMI or fat percentages.  Like most women, I've struggled with my body image over the years.  Was I thin enough?  Was I too tall? My yoga practice has led me to embrace my body and treat myself with respect.  When I stopped obsessing over calories in, calories out, I ended up in better shape than I've ever been. 

When I first started this blog, one of my intentions was to create a safe place to share our feelings about our bodies.  I welcome comments on my Facebook business page, or email me at

As a health coach, I work with women and girls to develop healthy attitudes about our body image and what we eat.  Look for upcoming workshops on a variety of topics including Intuitive vs Emotional Eating and Beating the 3 PM Sugar Rush.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what your blog has to say. I'm very interested in hearing how to beat that 3pm sugar rush or need for a nap. Keep me "posted".
