Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Leap of Faith

Towards the end of my 90-minute vinyasa flow yoga class, we sometimes practice inversions.  Typically, I do "legs up the wall."  I remember when as a 5-year old in my tumbling/ballet/tap class, the teacher had broken her promise to hold my legs.  Today, I decided to let go of my apprehension.  I placed my forehead on my mat and swung one leg at a time up the wall.  I was in a yogi headstand!  The only problem was getting down!

Life is filled with opportunities when we have to let go of the apprehension, push away the barriers which hold us back.  Growth and change require us to suspend our disbelief, if even for a moment.  Fear of failure keeps us on that treadmill instead of on the open road. 

Our Maltese Yvette typically waits by a step for one of us to carry her down to her area.  Sometimes, for no clear reason, she takes a flying leap down the step.  When we stop at the threshold, we usually don't make the move. 

Whether we are contemplating career change, having a baby, getting divorced, changing our hairstyle, starting a new workout routine, or switching up our dietary habits to lose twenty pounds, we must take that leap of faith, that first step, ignoring our fears of failure or perhaps even success.

So, today, as my teacher directed me to straighten my legs and let go, one leg at a time, I thought about how far I have come on my journey when I stopped over thinking decisions and went with my instincts.  To grow or change, we need to take that leap of faith.

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