Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Social Network: Food and Fitness

Have you ever noticed a group of yogis or people who look like they just finished spin class hanging out over green tea at Starbuck's?  Or a group of out-of-shape friends sharing fried happy hour appetizers at a local watering hole?

A 2007 Harvard study published in The New England Journal of Medicine revealed our social networks influence how committed we are to a following a healthy diet and working out.  A network of support is a powerful motivating tool, no matter where you are on the fitness spectrum.

In studying for my personal training certification, I've been reading about motivating tools to use with clients.  The support of friends or family is a powerful indicator of a client's longterm adherence to a program.  However, the desire to change behaviors must start from within.

Do we need to limit our social interactions to fellow fitness fanatics if we are working to change what we eat and how we move?

Not at all. 

But, adding like-minded people to your friend roster can provide extra motivation and perhaps less resistance to a new program or regimen.  I was just telling my daughter how I love that my yoga studio and barre studio are "where everybody knows my name," to paraphrase the Cheers theme song.  The feeling of community creates powerful attraction to maintaining fitness.

There will be times when friends who aren't especially fitness-focused try to encourage you to ditch bootcamp for cocktails and sliders. Join in occasionally, choosing to order a non-fried vegetable based appetizer and a glass of wine, followed by sparkling water.

Being the only one in the office who walks past the pink pastry box without grabbing a glazed donut or who doesn't order a burger with fries and onion rings isn't always easy.  Make your commitment to your wellness bigger than temptation.

Grow your network of supportive friends who can help you stay the course. Meet for exercise dates. Share healthy recipes.  Join Facebook groups, follow fitness communities or leaders on Instragram or Twitter.

Speaking of which, if you're on Instagram, follow me at healthcoachbeth!

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